Monday, December 19, 2011

They're there!

I just checked the knitting for nutrition website and our booties are there. You want to see? The link is i think the group has collected 338 of 500.

I have the two pair Marjie collected at the laat meeting...will send those out tomorrow.

Thanks guys!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sorry...There they are in all their cuteness!

Knitting for Nutrition due date coming

Hey guys!  I have missed you for the past couple of weeks.  I am planning to be there for the meeting this Thursday. 

I did check the Knitting for Nutrition Link and any booties that we are going to send need to be postmarked 12/28.  I will be out of town right after Christmas, so I can collect what we have so far...I don't mind waiting until the last Thrusday meeting that you are having before Christmas and doing the mailing that week. 

I have 5 pairs in hand.  They were trying to get to 500 and I think they are closing in on 238 pairs.  Marjie and I know someone in Greece who can send in a few pairs as well. 

Good luck and see you on Thursday.
Heather A.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blanket on the road -- a success!

Holly, Jee and I took the blanket around campus yesterday afternoon to most of the branch libraries. The staff at all the locations were very interested and asked lots of questions about how the blanket came to be. We sold 185 tickets!! That doesn't include what Loretta and others have sold. Many thanks to Dennis T. for suggesting a raffle instead of the silent auction.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Charity blanket construction photos

Sorry it took a while to figure out how to get the photos from my phone to the laptop so I could send them by blog. 

Selling like "Hotscakes"

Hey guys,
As of this moment (1:18 pm) we have sold 103 tickets for a total of, yes you guessed it ... $103. This is fantastic. Audrey and Carol each have 20 tickets to sell and tomorrow when the afghan goes walk-about to the branches David will take tickets to sell to all the staff who are gobsmocked by our talents. Anyway, just wanted y'all to know where we stand right now.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Knitting for Nutrition

Hey David and all the other cool librarians I see each Thursday:

I have a friend who knows I knit. She put me onto this organization who is trying to train women  in Africa about good nutrition, but is luring them to the training with the promise of knitted booties....

I know we just finished the phenomenal afghan...and yes, I am still good for a Special Olympics scarf (as soon as Marjie is done with her yarn...) But I thought this looked like a good option for the group as well.

The link with the story and the bootie counter is:  The story is compelling. The pattern looks easy.  Also, the booties are small enough that it might be a good way to use up extra stashed you have room for more, of course.

I will try the pattern they included on the site and see if I can have it ready for the next meeting on Thursday, let you all see what you think...

Check it out!
Heather Azarmehr

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sewing bee finishes blanket assembly

The group finished putting together the blocks for the HOT blanket on Thursday 10/6/2011.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Work on Tuesday

Anh, Susan, Holly, Laura and I got a lot of work done on the blanket today. We think it is looking fantastic. Can't wait to see it when all work is completed. One more picture from today ...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Posting headaches

Still can't post.

HOT blanket assembly (Part 1 9/29/11)

Photos from last Thursday's blanket assembly (9/29/11).

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Something Cute

I have been knitting away.  In the meantime, here is something cute for your consideration....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Special Olympics scarves

Thanks to Robin D. for bringing to our attention another opportunity to knit for others. Texas Special Olympics (actually other states as well) are accepting hand-knit scarves for the Winter Games to be held in Austin in 2012. Is there anyone in our group who would like to do this? The due date is January 2012, and the details (colors, measurements, etc.) are on their website

There are four suggested patterns, two in crochet and two in knit, but you can use your own pattern as long as you use the two colors and brand of yarn they suggest.

I'm interested in doing this, so if anyone else wants to join me let me know at our Thursday gathering or by email.


Friday, May 20, 2011

HOT blanket update

We have 33 completed blocks!! We only need 2 more for the large blanket. Another 12 squares would enable us to put together a baby blanket... So, since it's still so early (October is a long way away) let's go for it. That chart business was just too much trouble; sorry, but it's easier just to report to you all how many blocks are done. I can't keep track any longer of who did which block in what color!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

HOT blanket block chart

Anh Holickycable bag (orange)Xdiamond stitch (orange)X
Anna Tillergarter (sage)
Carol Johnsonbasketweave (silk)
David Melansontile stitch (rouge)Xdivided boxes (rouge)Xcrossed diagonal (blue)
Donna Coateschevron (sable)X
Heather Azarmehrcable square (banana)X
Holly Ovallestar stitch (purple)Xmock honeycomb (purple)Xladder rib
Jee Davisbox stitch (lilac)Xridged stitch
Loretta Acevedodiamond stitch (lilac)Xlattice with seed (green)
Luisana Lopezcables (gray)Xwheatear stitch (gray)Xsaxon braid (gray)
Marjie Lawrencedivided boxes (lilac)X
Martha G-P
Michal Glaserbamboo stitch (emerald)Xgarter panels (emerald)Xbasketweave (emerald)
Robin Doughertytwining ribwicker workreverse fern
Susan Hallgrensimple seed stitch (amber)Xbasketweave
Tera Avilacheckerboard (bordeaux)Xchevronbox stitch

17 of 35 squares already finished!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

HOT blanket block chart

Squares marked with an "x" have been turned in to me and are at my desk if you'd like to see them. Nothing here is set in stone; feel free to change stitch patterns if you want (just let me know what you are using as colors and stitch patterns, please). I have several stitch directories at my desk which you are welcome to look through for interesting stitch patterns. I will periodically update this chart. We have 9 of the 35 8 x 8 in. blocks we need to make the blanket. If we get 12 extra blocks, I will put those 12 blocks together to make a baby blanket which we can also put in the Hearts of Texas web auction in October.

Welcome to the world!

We're here & we're blogging about it! Thanks for setting this up, David M.!
Welcome to the Library Cast-Offs blog!