Tuesday, April 26, 2011

HOT blanket block chart

Anh Holickycable bag (orange)Xdiamond stitch (orange)X
Anna Tillergarter (sage)
Carol Johnsonbasketweave (silk)
David Melansontile stitch (rouge)Xdivided boxes (rouge)Xcrossed diagonal (blue)
Donna Coateschevron (sable)X
Heather Azarmehrcable square (banana)X
Holly Ovallestar stitch (purple)Xmock honeycomb (purple)Xladder rib
Jee Davisbox stitch (lilac)Xridged stitch
Loretta Acevedodiamond stitch (lilac)Xlattice with seed (green)
Luisana Lopezcables (gray)Xwheatear stitch (gray)Xsaxon braid (gray)
Marjie Lawrencedivided boxes (lilac)X
Martha G-P
Michal Glaserbamboo stitch (emerald)Xgarter panels (emerald)Xbasketweave (emerald)
Robin Doughertytwining ribwicker workreverse fern
Susan Hallgrensimple seed stitch (amber)Xbasketweave
Tera Avilacheckerboard (bordeaux)Xchevronbox stitch

17 of 35 squares already finished!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

HOT blanket block chart

Squares marked with an "x" have been turned in to me and are at my desk if you'd like to see them. Nothing here is set in stone; feel free to change stitch patterns if you want (just let me know what you are using as colors and stitch patterns, please). I have several stitch directories at my desk which you are welcome to look through for interesting stitch patterns. I will periodically update this chart. We have 9 of the 35 8 x 8 in. blocks we need to make the blanket. If we get 12 extra blocks, I will put those 12 blocks together to make a baby blanket which we can also put in the Hearts of Texas web auction in October.

Welcome to the world!

We're here & we're blogging about it! Thanks for setting this up, David M.!
Welcome to the Library Cast-Offs blog!