Thursday, January 26, 2012

Special request by Robin D.-- multidirectional scarf made by Holly

Here are a couple of photos of one of the scarves Holly made for the Texas Special Olympics Scarf Project. The pattern can be found at:

Very nice job, Holly!!

Texas Special Olympics Scarf Project 2012

Today I mailed 19 scarves made by various members of UT Library Castoffs to the Texas Special Olympics Scarf Project for 2012. Thank you all for taking the time and making the effort to help out.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Knitting for Nutrician Update

Dear Library Castoffs!
The link to Knitting for Nutrician that shows our last addition to the bootie project is:

I think the count off is 523 pairs recieved for 540 pairs wanted!  Great work guys!
